Locuri de munca

Posted on Sep 30, 2024

Recrutăm personal ➖ Căutăm personal (manipulatori de depozit pentru îmbrăcăminte și accesorii) în următoarele departamente (picking, recepție, control calitate, ambalare etc.). ➖ Nu este necesară experiență, dar este un avantaj dacă ați mai lucrat în domeniu. ✔️ Instruire oferită la angajare.

Localizare: ✔️ Km 23 (Autostrada A1, Bolintin-Deal)!

Oferim: ✔️ Contract de muncă pe durată nedeterminată! ✔️ Transport gratuit asigurat! ✔️ Pachet salarial ÎNCEPÂND de la 3.350 RON NET pentru o tură de 8 ore (această sumă include: salariu ➕ de bază, tichete de masă (25 RON/zi) ➕ bonus de productivitate până la 1.500 RON (în funcție de productivitatea...

job vacancies

Posted on Aug 20, 2024

Inspectoratul pentru Situații de Urgență "A.D. Ghica" al județului Teleorman, cu sediul în Alexandria, str. Carpați, nr. 7, a anunțat un concurs pentru angajarea directă a 6 posturi vacante de "Șofer (vehicule speciale)" la Detașamentele de pompieri din Alexandria și Roșiori de Vede.

Termenul limită pentru depunerea documentelor de aplicare este 2 septembrie 2024, ora 12:00.

Anunțul concursului a fost postat pe portalul M.A.I. public Services H.U.B la https://hub.mai.gov.ro .

Informații suplimentare privind organizarea și desfășurarea concursului pot fi obținute de la Serviciul Resurse Umane la numărul de telefon 0247.311113, interior 27122 sau 27129

I am looking for a Mechanical Engineer/Technician in Vaslui, Bacau, Teleorman, Braila

Posted on Aug 29, 2023


Ideal Candidate:

If you are passionate about the technical field and agriculture, we welcome you to the most dynamic and professional company, a renowned brand in the agricultural equipment industry!


Technical education, graduation from the Faculty of Mechanics/Agricultural Mechanics/Electromechanics or a university with a similar profile is a significant advantage. Experience in equipment repairs is a plus (agricultural machinery,...


Posted on Feb 2, 2023

In the next period, several town halls and public institutions from Teleorman county will organize a competition to fill some declared vacant positions. Depending on the training, Teleormanians who want to work in the budget system can apply for the positions of novice expert, community medical assistant, referent and qualified worker. For example, the town hall of the Nanov commune will put out to competition seven worker positions, within the Water-Canal Service-Technical and Administrative Department. A minimum of one year of work experience and secondary or general studies are required. The conditions that candidates must meet in order to register for the competition can be consulted at the following address: http://posturi.gov.ro/ .

Here is the list of vacancies:

Worker (7 positions) - Nanov town hall, Teleorman county Clerk-City hall of Nanov commune, Teleorman...


Posted on Jan 11, 2023

In the next period, only two institutions from Teleorman county will organize a competition to fill vacant positions. According to the website gov.ro-Vacancies in the public administration in Romania, the Teleorman Public Health Directorate will offer the position of referent I to the competition and applicants must have high school education completed with a baccalaureate diploma. The Public Domain Administration in the county seat municipality is looking to hire a specialist inspector, qualified workers, driver and unqualified worker. The conditions that candidates must meet in order to register for the competition can be consulted at the following address http://posturi.gov.ro/ .

Here is the list of vacancies:

Referent I-Directorate of Public Health of Teleorman County Specialist inspector I-Administration of the Public Domain Alexandria, Teleorman County Qualified...


Posted on Nov 15, 2022

In the next period, several public institutions and municipalities will put out several vacant positions. Depending on the training, Teleormanians who want to be budget managers can compete for the positions of librarian, school secretary, financial director, accountant or skilled worker. For example, the Alexandria County Emergency Hospital organizes a recruitment competition for the occupation of an indefinite period, the contract execution position, vacant, stretcher bearer within the Department of Neurology. No seniority is required, candidates must have at least a high school diploma and the participation fee is 100 lei. The conditions that candidates must meet in order to register for the competition can be consulted at the following address: http://posturi.gov.ro/ .

Here is the list of vacant positions in Teleorman county:

Librarian (0.5 norm), House of the...

Worker (tractor driver) - Vacancies in public administration in Romania

Posted on Jul 14, 2022

Worker (tractor driver) - Vacancies in public administration in Romania

Location: Teleorman

Job type: Full Time

Mereni Commune City Hall, Teleorman County, organizes a recruitment contest for the indefinite occupation of the contractual position, execution, vacancies, worker (tractor driver)

The specific conditions necessary in order to participate in the competition and to occupy the contractual position are:

• level of education - general;

• required seniority in the specialty of studies - 10 years.

The contest will be organized according to the following calendar:

• July 15, 2022, 10.00: written test;

• July 16, 2022, 14.00: interview test.

Mereni Commune City Hall, Merenii de Jos village, str. București no. 67, Teleorman county, phone: 0247 / 450.608.