Videle Municipality is herewith inviting you at the final Conference of the project “Green Jobs Network” - “Green Jobs Network“ – Promoting Ecotourism and Organic Agriculture as Innovative Mechanisms for employment and local sustaibable development in rural areas within the Romania-Bulgaria Cross-Border region, which has been co-financed by the European Union under the European Regional Development Fund within the INTERREG V-A Romania-Bulgaria Programme, project code ROBG - 183.

The main objective of the project is increasing the employment opportunities and labour force mobility by developing competences and skills in the innovative ecotourism, organic agriculture and food production in the selected cross-border area.


  • 250 participants in 6 training sessions for employment and “green” workforce mobility;
  • 500 participants in foreign languages training;
  • 160 participants in cross border job fairs, organized in partnership
  • 100 participants in 5 editions of the “Green Innovation Lab”.

The event will take place on September 18, 2020, 16h00, in the Meeting Hall of the Videle Municipality, Teleorman county.

We hope you will attend this meeting and will contribute to the success of this action and thank you in advance.

Please confirm your attendance on the contact details from the attached document.

Contact person: Project Coordinator - Mirel-George MOAGHEN
