DAJ Teleorman offers you the opportunity to participate in the professional qualification course - the profession of tractor driver, with a duration of 360 hours (theory and practice, starting with February 1, 2022).
The course will help you to master the basics and also to work in a company with an agricultural profile, and after its completion the participants will obtain a qualification certificate in the profession of tractor driver, nationally recognized by the Ministry of Labor and the Ministry of Agriculture. Rural Development.
It is also a way for people to obtain a qualification if they already have experience in the field, but do not have a certificate attesting to this,
List of modules involved in the course:
-Application of legal provisions regarding health and safety at work and in the field of emergencies;
-Application of environmental protection rules;
-Application of quality procedures;
-Execution of soil preparation works;
-Sowing of agricultural crops;
-Culture maintenance;
- Harvesting fodder plants;
-Maintenance of work units.
The necessary documents for registration that you will have to submit at the headquarters of our institution are the following:
- application form
-copy C.I.
-copy of diploma (at least 8 classes)
For information you can call: 0247315580