„Organic agriculture”, a term protected and assigned by the EU to Romania for defining this system of agriculture and is similar to the terms“ organic agriculture ”or“ organic agriculture ”used in other Member States. (Source: https://www.madr.ro/agricultura-ecologica.html) The role of the organic farming system is to produce cleaner food, more suited to human metabolism, in full correlation with the conservation and development of the environment. One of the main goals of organic farming is the production of fresh and authentic agri-food products, respecting the natural and environmental factors. During the farm production period, the use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs and their derivatives) of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, growth stimulators and regulators, hormones, antibiotics, etc. is prohibited. In the food processing stage, it is forbidden to use food additives, complementary substances and synthetic chemicals to prepare organic foods. Organic farming has a major contribution to the sustainable development of agriculture, to the growth of economic activities with an important added value and to increasing the interest for the development of the rural area. The objectives, principles and norms applicable to organic production are included in the Community and national legislation in this field. These norms, together with the definition of the production method in the sector of vegetable, animal and aquaculture production, also regulate the following aspects related to the organic farming system: processing, labeling, trade, import, inspection and certification. Organic farming is a dynamic sector in Romania that has undergone an upward evolution in recent years. Organizing the marketing of products is an important element of the organic farming sector. One of the essential conditions for the development of organic farming is the promotion of the concept of organic farming in order to make consumers aware of the advantages of consuming organic products, so that they offer a higher price for clean products whose quality is guaranteed by an inspection and certification system.
Videle Municipality will support you in becoming farmers and specialists in this field! Do not hesitate to contact us!