Two municipalities in the cross-border area, Videle (Romania) and Lyaskovets (Bulgaria) are jointly implementing the project “Tales of Culture, History and Nature”, within the Cross-Border Cooperation Programme Interreg V-A Romania - Bulgaria
Lead Partner: Videle Municipality (Teleorman county), Romania
Project Partner: Lyaskovets Municipality (Veliko Tarnovo region), Bulgaria
Project objective: Encouraging the preservation of natural resources and cultural heritage by developing an integrated touristic product, as models for sustainable development of the natural, historical and cultural heritage in the cross-border area.
Implementation period: 24 months (12.09.2018 – 11.09.2020)
Total budget: 1 097 962,10 euro
Project activities:
- Project preparation
- Project management
- Developing of a cross-border touristic product, based on local traditions, as well as on the historical, natural and cultural heritage
- Investment – modernization of the Town Park Videlem reconstruction of the Kozarevets Park, as well as modernization of the Town Park Lyaskovets
- Communication activities
Target groups:
- Public authorities at national, regional and local levels;
- NGOs in the field of tourism, culture, education
- Institutions in the field of education
- SMEs in the field of tourism, including touristic services providers (hotels, restaurants, organization of touristic events, etc.)
- General public, participants at the events to be organized within the project (11 events, as it follows: 3 culinary festivals in Videle, 3 culinary festivals in Lyaskovets, 1 folklore festival in Videle, 1 folklore festival in Lyaskovets, “Marin Preda Day” in Videle, 1 cultural event in Lyaskovets, 1 Bulgarian school children camp in Videle))
Expected results of the project are – 1000 participants at the events to be organized under the project, 1 integrated touristic product, 1 strategy for valuing the cultural, natural and historical heritage.
The project launching press conference took place on November 6th 2018, starting with 11 o’clock, within the premises of Videle Municipality, Republicii str. nr.2.
“TALES of Culture, History and Nature“, № ROBG-413
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