Two town halls in the cross-border region, in partnership, Lyaskovets (Bulgaria) and Videle (Romania) are implementing a project with the theme "Green Jobs" - Promotion
Ecotourism and Organic Agriculture, as Innovative Mechanisms for Employment and Sustainable Local Development in Rural Areas in the Romania-Bulgaria Cross-Border Region, under the Interreg V-A Romania-Bulgaria Cross-Border Cooperation Program


Lead Partener: Lyaskovets Municipality (Veliko Tarnovo region), Bulgaria

Partener de Proiect: Videle Municipality (Teleorman county), Romania

Project objective: Increasing the employment opportunities and workforce mobility, by developing competences and skills in the field of innovative eco-tourism and organic agriculture, as well as food production in the cross-border area.

Implementation period: 24 months (24.04.2017 – 24.04.2019)

Budget: 1 219 573,08 euro

Project activities:

  1. Project management
  2. Increasing the public awareness
  3. Setting up of cross-border business incubators for ecotourism and organic agriculture
  4. Elaboration of a joint strategy and of a cross-border platform for green jobs in rural areas
  5. Supply and installation of 4 info-kiosks
  6. Organisation of special trainings in order to increase the labour force mobility in rural areas
  7. Foreign languages courses
  8. Organizsation of Joint Cross-Border Fairs (Job Fairs) for ideas, opportunities and good practices for employment in cross-border rural areas
  9. Organisation of a summer academy “Green Innovation Lab” for entrepreneurs from both sides of the border

Target groups:

  • People from rural areas in the cross-border region;
  • SMEs in the field of eco-tourism and organic agriculture;
  • NGOs, farmer’s and agricultural producers associations;

Expected results: - 250 participants in 6 trainings on employment in the field of organic agriculture and labour force mobility, 500 participanțs in foreign language courses, 160 participants in job fairs, 100 participants in 5 editions of the “Green Innovation Lab”.

Green Jobs Network“ – Promoting Eco-tourism and Organic Agriculture, as Innovative Mechanisms for employment and sustaibable local development in rural areas in the Romania – Bulgaria Cross Border Region, №

The contents of this material does not necessarily represent the official position of the European Union

Aug 28, 2019 By administrator