Professional training - images and videos

Posted on Sep 2, 2020

Pictures and short videos from the professional trainings

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The job fair

Posted on Mar 6, 2020

The first edition of the green jobs fair, organized by Videle City Hall within the Project "Green Jobs Network" - ROBG-183

The event will be attended by employers from the fields of ecotourism and organic agriculture, but also people interested in working in these fields.

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Organic farming - a healthier life by turning back to traditions

Posted on Mar 4, 2020

Organic farming is an area that has been increasingly discussed lately.

Is this just a healthy lifestyle or a fashion?

„Organic agriculture”, a term protected and assigned by the EU to Romania for defining this system of agriculture and is similar to the terms“ organic agriculture ”or“ organic agriculture ”used in other Member States. (Source: ) The role of the organic farming system is to produce cleaner food, more suited to human metabolism, in full correlation with the conservation and development of the environment. One of the main goals of organic farming is the production of fresh and authentic agri-food products, respecting the natural and environmental factors. During the farm production period, the use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs and their derivatives) of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, growth stimulators and regulators, hormones, antibiotics, etc. is prohibited. In the food processing stage, it is forbidden to use food...


Posted on Aug 28, 2019

Two town halls in the cross-border region, in partnership, Lyaskovets (Bulgaria) and Videle (Romania) are implementing a project with the theme "Green Jobs" - Promotion Ecotourism and Organic Agriculture, as Innovative Mechanisms for Employment and Sustainable Local Development in Rural Areas in the Romania-Bulgaria Cross-Border Region, under the Interreg V-A Romania-Bulgaria Cross-Border Cooperation Program


Lead Partener: Lyaskovets Municipality (Veliko Tarnovo region) , Bulgaria

Partener de Proiect: Videle Municipality (Teleorman county), Romania

Project objective : Increasing the employment opportunities and workforce mobility, by developing...


Posted on Aug 28, 2019

Two municipalities in the cross-border area, Videle (Romania) and Lyaskovets (Bulgaria) are jointly implementing the project “Tales of Culture, History and Nature”, within the Cross-Border Cooperation Programme Interreg V-A Romania - Bulgaria


Lead Partner: Videle Municipality (Teleorman county), Romania

Project Partner: Lyaskovets Municipality (Veliko Tarnovo region), Bulgaria

Project objective: Encouraging the preservation of natural resources and cultural heritage by developing an integrated touristic product, as models for sustainable development of the natural, historical and cultural heritage in the cross-border area....