Farmers who submitted bills for the settlement of up to 50% of the value of electricity consumed for irrigation received the money in their accounts, according to a statement from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MADR) issued on Tuesday by AgroTV.
According to the quoted source, a total of 172 Organizations of Water Users for Irrigation (OUAI) have submitted invoices whose total value eligible for settlement amounts to 16,598,267.61 lei.
The representatives of MADR mention that until December 27, 2021, for 159 beneficiaries, payments amounting to 16,091,886.41 lei were made, for another 13 beneficiaries the payment will be made immediately after the completion of the account data verification procedure.
The specialists from MADR will monitor the observance of the legal provisions, so that the reduction of the costs for the electricity, based on the invoices submitted by the Organizations of Water Users for Irrigation, will be found for the benefit of the farmers.
We remind you that, for the year 2021, the quota of up to 49.99% has been established for the reimbursement of the expenses related to the electricity consumption necessary for the operation of irrigation aggregates or equipment for which irrigation water is provided based on multiannual / seasonal contracts concluded with the National Agency. of Land Improvements.