The Decision to grant emergency support to farmers in the plant sector has been approved.

In the Government Meeting of September 14, 2023, the Decision on granting emergency support for the cereal and oilseed sector was approved. The value of the exceptional unitary support in the form of a grant is 2 lei per liter of diesel fuel, for a total quantity of 152,458,321.08 liters of diesel...

The Minister of Agriculture announces that Romanian farmers will receive a subsidy of 50% of their diesel consumption for the year 2022.

The Minister of Agriculture, Florin Barbu, has announced that Romanian farmers will receive a subsidy of 50% of their diesel consumption for the year 2022. This is an additional assistance apart from the support provided to reduce the excise tax on diesel used in agriculture. The state aid scheme...

Farmers, submit your compensation applications at the town hall! What is the DEADLINE

Drought compensations are paid to farmers who submit, within the legal deadline, to the County Agricultural Directorates, an application accompanied by several documents: a disaster report, drawn up no later than November 30, 2022, for corn, sunflower, soybean, and pea crops, the single payment...

Measure of emergency aid for agricultural producers from the grain sector

Cerere subvenție stocuri de grâu. Fermierii au termen până la data de 11 mai, inclusiv, să solicite la Agenția de Plăți și Intervenție pentru Agricultură (APIA) subvenția pentru stocurile de grâu. Sprijinul este acoperit atât din fonduri europene, cât și din bani de la bugetul de stat. Măsura va...


On April 5, 2023, in the Official Journal of the European Union, Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2023/739 of 4 April 2023 providing emergency aid for the cereals and oilseeds sector in Bulgaria, Poland, and Romania was published. This EU Regulation makes emergency aid available to Bulgaria...

Lyaskovets Municipality successfully finished project “Tales of culture, history and nature”, funded by the Cross border cooperation Programme „Interreg V-A Romania - Bulgaria 2014-2020”

On 20th December 2022 Municipality of Lyaskovets officially finished the implementation of the “Tales of culture, history and nature” project, funded by the Cross border cooperation Programme „Interreg V-A Romania - Bulgaria 2014-2020” and implemented in partnership with Municipality of Videle,...


Over 1.5 billion euros have entered agriculture since the beginning of the year. The amount already received from the European Commission since the beginning of this year for Romanian agriculture represents the reimbursement of payments made to Romanian farmers by the Ministry of Agriculture, at...

Over 1.5 billion euros have entered agriculture since the beginning of the year.

The amount already received from the European Commission since the beginning of this year for Romanian agriculture represents the reimbursement of payments made to Romanian farmers by the Ministry of Agriculture, at the end of last year, in the form of direct payments. „We bring to the country...

The Fund for local initiatives will fund five projects in Lyaskovets in 2022

On September 15, 2022, the Mayor of Lyaskovets Municipality , Dr. Ivelina Getsova, signed the contracts for the five initiatives which will be funded by the Fund for support of local initiatives, created by the Lyaskovets Municipality in partnership with “Agora” Platform. The main aim of the Fund...


The Directorate for Agriculture of the Municipality of Bucharest organizes training courses between 19.09 - 30.09.2022 for the beneficiaries of Measure 10 - agro-environment and climate, respectively Measure 11 - ecological agriculture from the...

Open call for project proposals for local initiatives 2022 – Fund for support of local initiatives - Lyaskovets

The board of trustees of the Fund for support of local initiatives – Lyaskovets, in compliance with Decision № 416, Protocol № 54 issued by the Municipal Council of Lyaskovets on 23.06.2022 and in compliance with article 10 from the Rules for the organization, activities and management of the Fund...

Jobfair – 20 May 2022

County Employment Agency Teleorman is organizing the JOBFAIR on 20 May 2022, starting with 9 o’clock The event is addressed to all categories of jobseeekers or to those who want to do a professional reconversion. The main objective of the Jobfair is to increase the employment rate by correlating...

MADR will reimburse up to 50% of electricity costs in the land improvement sector

In the Government Meeting of December 10, 2021, a Decision was adopted amending and supplementing the Methodological Norms for the application of the Law on Land Improvements no. 138/2004, approved by Government Decision no. 1872/2005. One of the amendments brought by this normative act aims to...

Job Fair Announcement

Videle City Hall organizes a Job Fair on 26.02.2020 for the “Green Jobs” project, co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund, the INTERREG V-A Romania - Bulgaria Cross-Border Cooperation Program. More information can be found in the attached document.