The Directorate for Agriculture of the Municipality of Bucharest organizes training courses between 19.09-30.09.2022 for the beneficiaries of Measure 10 - agro-environment and climate, respectively Measure 11 - ecological agriculture from the National Rural Development Program (PNDR 2014-2020).
Each course lasts 40 hours and will be held at the headquarters of the Directorate for Agriculture of the Municipality of Bucharest in Sos. Olteniței, no. 35-37, as follows:
- 19.09-23.09.2022 training course Measure 11-ecological agriculture
- 26.09-30.09.2022 training course Measure 10 - agro-environment and climate
After completing the course, the participants will acquire the skills necessary to implement the commitments and will receive a certificate of their recognition.
The registration fee for the course is 200 lei/person.
Required documents:
- Enrollment request
- Copy of C.I
- Copy of study documents
- Data processing agreement
For additional information you can contact us at:
• Phone: 0213142866; 0213326966
• Email: