Young people, women entrepreneurs and immigrants returning to the country will benefit, in 2022, from subsidies totaling 75 million lei, to initiate agricultural projects in rural areas.

The money will be allocated from the National Fund for the Development of Agriculture and Rural Environment.

The Government approved, in today's meeting, the amendment of the Regulation on the conditions and procedure for granting advance subsidies for start-up projects from the National Fund for the Development of Agriculture and Rural Environment.

At the same time, this change will offer, starting with 2022, the possibility for as many applicants as possible to benefit from financial support from the state for the development of their own business and to create new jobs in the country.

The value of the investment project cannot exceed the amount of 1,000,000 lei. It is to be implemented within 24 months.

The financial support from the state budget will be provided in two installments and will constitute 65% of the value of the investment, the other 35% will be the own contribution of the participants in the program.

The regulation on the conditions and procedure for awarding grants in advance for start-up projects will be posted on the website of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry and that of the Agency for Intervention and Payments for Agriculture, after the publication of the document in the Official Gazette.